ICZM Strategies and plans developed and adopted
The first coastal plan aligned with the ICZM Protocol and encompassing the climate considerations was launched in 2014 in Šibenik-Knin County in Croatia, with the support of the GEF MedPartnership. The Plan, adopted by the County in 2016, won the overall MedAward in 2019.
Three national ICZM Strategies have been prepared within the GEF MedPartnership in Algeria, Montenegro and Croatia. Based on these Strategies, Guidelines for National ICZM Strategies have been developed.
Building on the MedPartnership experiences, PAP/RAC within MedProgramme Child Project 2.1 is developing a National ICZM Strategy in Lebanon and in partnership with GWP-Med, UNESCO-IHP and Plan Bleu Integrated management plan for the Damour area. Child Project 2.1 enabled the development of coastal plans in two areas identified as highly vulnerable to climate change (Boka Kotorska Bay in Montenegro and Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima in Morocco).
Coastal plans developed inclusively, integrating gender equality and fostering inclusive partnerships between government, academia, civil society, and businesses, are the most effective. The process of developing a coastal plan provides numerous opportunities for genuine whole-of-society engagement in adaptation and achieving several Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, PAP/RAC makes special efforts to solicit stakeholder engagement. In addition, stakeholder collaboration is also supported by Plan Bleu, which applies the Climagine methodology and has also conducted gender-sensitive risk assessments. All these inputs helped the PAP/RAC expert team develop cost-benefit assessments for two coastal plans.
MedProgramme supports PAP/RAC and the relevant governments in the development of:
PAP/RAC has been a longstanding supporter of Lebanon, collaborating for many years to identify priorities and implement solutions for effective coastal management. As one of the Mediterranean countries with the highest population density and economic activity along its coastline, Lebanon faces significant challenges including one of the highest coastal build-up ratios in the coastal zone. The country’s coastal management efforts are further complicated by the substantial burden of hosting one of the highest numbers of refugees per inhabitant in the world. In addition, the country is facing one of the worst economic crises in modern history. The development of a new ICZM Strategy and the draft Law presents a critical opportunity for Lebanon to align its priorities and foster the necessary mechanisms, tools and commitment towards sustainable coastal practices.
To inform the Lebanese population on the value and fragility of their coast, a Lebanese Coastal Information Platform has been developed and is accessible at lebanoncp.com. This platform is a repository of the most important information on Lebanon’s coastal zone. It will also feature the Draft National ICZM Strategy and the Draft ICZM Law for a wide consultation process.
New Lebanese Coastal Information Platform launched to support National ICZM Strategy
Pivotal Meeting Advances National ICZM Strategy with Full Ministerial Support
2nd Multi-Stakeholder Consultations and ICZM progress meeting held in Beirut
National ICZM Strategy for Lebanon (leaflet)
The Coastal Management Plan for the Boka Kotorska Bay has been identified in the National ICZM Strategy as one of the country’s priority actions. The narrow coastal zone of this bay is highly urbanised and is threatened by various climate-related impacts such as floods, droughts, and forest fires. Within MedProgramme, the priority challenges that the Plan needs to address were identified through a participatory process: spatial development, transportation and tourism as the basis of the economic development of the Bay. Moreover, it highlights the importance of preserving water as a valuable natural resource, solving the problem of waste to improve the quality of life in the area, and protecting the marine environment, which is highly vulnerable to disturbances due to being a “closed basin”.
Draft Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay presented to the National Working Group on ICZM
Joining forces to advance the preparation of the Coastal Management Plan for Boka Kotorska Bay
Stakeholders discussing sustainability indicators and climate impacts in the Boka Kotorska Bay
Boka Kotorska stakeholders in search for the adaptation measures
Preparation of the coastal management plan for Boka Kotorska Bay kicked off in Montenegro
Scoping report (MNE)
Stakeholder analysis (MNE)
Diagnostic report (MNE)
Recommendations for Plan measures (MNE)
Cartographic atlas (MNE)
Draft Coastal Management Plan for the Boka Kotorska Bay (MNE)
Coastal Management Plan for the Boka Kotorska Bay leaflet (EN)
In Morocco, the Schéma Régional du Littoral (SRL) is a regulatory document established by law relating to the coastline, with a view to its protection, enhancement and conservation. This law is in line with the orientations of the ICZM Protocol of the Barcelona Convention. The SRL is an ICZM coastal plan that considers coastal ecosystems, coastal populations and climate change. The priority challenges of the SRL TTA have been grouped into key themes of spatial development, blue and green economy, equitable society and gender, natural hazards and pollution, and governance, analysed through the lens of climate change. Finally, to harmonise development efforts at the TTA coastal level with the strategic orientations defined by the State, it was imperative to design an action plan that would reflect national directives, and that would be consistent with the TTA’s strategy. This plan reflects Morocco’s ambitions as set out in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development while also addressing the specific needs and aspirations of the TTA region.
Third stakeholder meeting on coastal plan for Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima
The gender-sensitive climate risk assessment and coastal adaptation solutions presented in Tangier
Diagnostic workshop of the regional coastal plan of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region
Preparation of the regional Coastal plan for the region Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima in Morocco
Preparation of the coastal management plan for Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima in Morocco
SRLTTA Governance as a key adaptation tool (EN)
Draft SRLTTA Plan (FR)
SRLTTA Policy paper on the benefits of the ICZM Protocol in SRLTTA (EN)
SRLTTA leaflet (FR)
In the ICZM Strategy for Algeria (2020-2030), developing vulnerability studies for the coastal wilayas has been identified as one of the key priorities. Building on these conclusions, the Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energies requested the support of PAP/RAC to lead the development of vulnerability studies in two wilayas: El Tarf and Mostaganem. Both wilayas are exposed to various natural or anthropogenic risks, which lead to multiple environmental, economic or social vulnerabilities. The innovative methodology implemented throughout this project integrates the cumulative factors of climatic, social, and environmental vulnerability. Gender equality will primarily be addressed within the framework of social vulnerability.