Building capacities in ICZM, MSP and coastal adaptation to climate change
Some of the most important training activities occur during the on-the-ground project preparation. In addition, since 2003, PAP/RAC has been implementing a tailor-made online training course on coastal planning and management related topics, known as “MedOpen”. In 2023, as part of the MedProgramme Child Project 2.1 the “MedOpen“ training on MSP was organised.
Join our training programs to enhance your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in sustainable coastal management!
In 2024, you can learn how to calculate the land-use change indicator, and in 2025, you’ll have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into climate change adaptation. Follow our social media for further updates!
Exploring Land Cover Change: The Focus of the Upcoming MedOpen Training Course (IW Learn)
MedProgramme Seminar boosts MSP across the Region
MedOpen on MSP officially launched in the framework of the child project 2.1. of the MedProgramme